Ritmo Sakral

Ritmo Sakral (Sacred Rhythm) is SAMBACH’s large-scale production.
An interdisciplinary show where Brazilian folklore and the music of Johann Sebastian Bach converge in a daring and novel interpretation.


The Experience

Foto desde arriba de todos los músicos que forman parte del espectáculo Ritmo Sakral en plena acción en el escenario. De izquierda a derecha tenemos a Pol tocando el piano, en el fondo, detrás del piano, se encuentra Claudia tocando el violín, Brandon tocando el bajo, en el centro del escenario tenemos a Berta cantando con su micro enfrente del teclado, detrás de Berta encontramos a Jordi tocando la batería y, a la derecha, tenemos a María tocando el saxo.
El escenario se encuentra alumbrado con una luz azul tenue, destacando el momento emotivo  de la escena.

Ritmo Sakral, bearing the creative signature of SAMBACH, is much more than a concert.

Therefore, music is combined with artistic artifacts that engage all five senses.

Visual projections, live scents, and edible objects are part of what makes Ritmo Sakral a complete experience that immerses the audience in a unique world beyond reality.

In the words of Pol Oñate, creator and director of SAMBACH: “Feeling art through our entire being is a disruptive and effective way to take the audience beyond their comfort zone through beauty.”

A path that Oñate knows especially well thanks to his visual impairment.


The Experience

Ritmo Sakral, bearing the creative signature of SAMBACH, is much more than a concert.

Therefore, music is combined with artistic artifacts that engage all five senses.

Visual projections, live scents, and edible objects are part of what makes Ritmo Sakral a complete experience that immerses the audience in a unique world beyond reality.

In the words of Pol Oñate, creator and director of SAMBACH: “Feeling art through our entire being is a disruptive and effective way to take the audience beyond their comfort zone through beauty.”

A path that Oñate knows especially well thanks to his visual impairment.

The Narrative

There is nothing in history that justifies or accredits the connection between Brazilian folklore and Bach’s music, nothing, except that music is made by people.

Thus, Ritmo Sakral is a journey back to oneself and to intimate power.

Led by an actor who acts as a bridge between the band and the audience, the dramaturgy of the show evokes equally valid and transcendent realities for both cultures, such as the ancestral need of belonging to a group, the search for an existence beyond what we can see, or the choice of a life path based on values.

The Format

Foto de nuestro espectáculo A l’altra banda del mar, en nuestro preestreno en el Gran Teatre del Liceu de Barcelona. Aparecen de izquierda a derecha Pol, tocando el piano vestido con una camisa blanca y su pie de micro al lado y, a la derecha, Carol cantando, va vestida con pantalones negros y camisa rojo burdeos. La luz incide sobre ellos de una manera puntual, pues el fondo es negro y no podemos ver qué tienen detrás.

Ritmo Sakral is presented as a septet: six musicians and one actor who become the masters of ceremonies both onstage and among the audience, guiding them to a new universe.

Additionally, the production has a large technical team dedicated to providing a high-level experience for the audience.

With both indoor and outdoor formats and various options for audience seating, Ritmo Sakral features a live aromatic DJ, visual projections, and subtitles for all show content in the preferred language. It also collaborates with the prestigious cocktail bar Dr. Stravinsky for the final cocktail of the show and an R&D team in gastronomy for the edible objects.

Ritmo Sakral can be performed, in its theatrical part, in Catalan, Spanish, English, and French.

The Format

Ritmo Sakral is presented as a septet: six musicians and one actor who become the masters of ceremonies both onstage and among the audience, guiding them to a new universe.

Additionally, the production has a large technical team dedicated to providing a high-level experience for the audience.

With both indoor and outdoor formats and various options for audience seating, Ritmo Sakral features a live aromatic DJ, with visual projections and subtitles of all the content of the show in the language of choice. It also has the collaboration of the prestigious cocktail bar Dr. Stravinsky for the final cocktail of the show, and a team of R&D in gastronomy for the edible objects.

Ritmo Sakral can be performed, in its theatrical part, in Catalan, Spanish, English, and French.

Photographs courtesy of Lili Bonmatí.

Why choose Ritmo Sakral?

Ritmo Sakral is a unique, disruptive production of striking power and beauty.

With an empowering, luminous, and socially engaged message, it is a rite of passage, a holistic and groundbreaking experience that embraces creative transversality, diversity, and the beauty of contrasts.

A catharsis that opens the door for the audience to an inner transformation, a revealing adventure.

Here is a summary of “Ritmo Sakral”:

WAIT! This show is multisensory. YouTube doesn't give us this option yet, so for the moment you will miss aromas, tastes and other experiences. All good things come to those who wait!

Take a look at our teaser

So you can dive deeper into the universe of Ritmo Sakral.